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Dr. Mariana Guimarães Penido de Paula

Pediatric Nephrology

Belo Horizonte - MG

Mini CV 

Nephrologist and Pediatric Nephrologist certified by the Brazilian Society of Nephrology (SBN).
Professor of the Medicine course at Unifenas BH.
Master's degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) - Department of Tropical Medicine.
Preceptor of the Nephrology and Pediatric Nephrology residency at Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte.
Nephrologist and Pediatric Nephrologist at Nefrostar Belo Horizonte.

Your Schedule

Day 01 - Local CRM -
Time 09:20

Day 01 - Local CRM -
Time 12pm

Day 01 - Local CRM -
Time 2pm

Day 03 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Room 2 - Time 1pm

Pre-Congress, Theoretical Program: “Theoretical basis of Acute PD in children – clinical case and Base”.

Pre-Congress, Practical Program: “Prescription models”.

Pre-Congress, Theoretical Program: “Theoretical basis of HDF in children”.

“Panel: SEPSIS IN PEDIATRICS”, Moderator.

XX Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology

Cuiabá, MT

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