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Dr. Lucimary de Castro Silvestre

Pediatric Nephrology

Curitiba - PR

Mini CV 

He holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Brasília (1994), a Specialization in Pediatric Nephrology from the Federal University of São Paulo (1997-1999) and a Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2005). She is an Adjunct Professor at PUC Paraná (Medicine / Pediatrics), Professor of the Medicine Course at Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe, Pediatric Nephrologist at Hospital Pequeno Príncipe. He has experience in the area of Medicine, with an emphasis on Pediatrics, working mainly with Chronic Kidney Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis, Arterial Hypertension and Clinical Research. He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, Brazilian Society of Nephrology, Latin American Association of Pediatric Nephrology, International Pediatric Nephrology Association

Your Schedule

Day 01 - Local CRM -
Time 8am

Day 01 - Local CRM - 
Time 8am

Day 01 - Local CRM - 
Time 9am

Day 01 - Local CRM - 
Time 12pm

Day 03 - Room 1 - Time 10:00

Day 03 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Room 2 - Time 11am

Dia 03 - Local Hotel Gran Odara - Horário 12h

Day 03 - Location Hotel Gran Odara - Room 2 - Time 4pm

“Hand's On: Acute and Chronic Renal Support Therapy in Pediatrics”, Coordinator.

Pre-Congress, Theoretical Program: “Acute and Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis in Pediatrics - Presentation”.

Pre-Congress, Theoretical Program: “Insults and recognition of Chronic Kidney Disease in Pediatrics”.

Pre-Congress, Practical Program: “Prescription models”.


"Systemic Arterial Hypertension: Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring – Map and Other Outpatient Records."

“Satellite Class (ALNYLAN)”.


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